Vietnam In Kampuchea: The Strategy of Consolidation


                                     LE VIETNAM AU KAMPUCHEA:
                                  LA STRAGÉGIE DE CONSOLIDATION
                                       Justus M. van der KROEF*
ABSTRACT — Vietnam in Kampuchea: The Strategy of Consolidation
Despite intense diplomatie activity between Vietnam and lier Southeast Asian neighbors
to reaeh a compromise in their conflict resulting from the Vietnamese invasion of
Kampuchea, the Hanoi govemment shows every indication of seeking to secure a
permanent military and political présence in Kampuchea. Also because of the dévastation
brought by four years of the Pol Pot régime (1975-79), and the extermination of
much of the skilled and educated social strata in Kampuchea, the Hanoi govemment
has sent some 40,000 Vietnamese party cadres, civil officiais and professionally trained
to direct public affairs. Additionally, some 100,000 Vietnamese farmer s hâve migrated
into Kampuchea, settling in such key provinces as Kompong Speu, Takeo, and
Kompong Cham. Additional tens of thousands of Vietnamese settlers hâve moved into
cities and the disputed frontier area. As fighting between the Vietnamese and résistance
groups affiliated with the ''Coalition Government of Démocratie Kampuchea" intensifies,
the Hanoi régime also has been expanding its logistical-military network. This
inciudes the construction of a new road network — popularly called the "New Ho CM
Minh Trail" — linking the Vietnamese cities of Hue and Vinh, across Southern Laos,
with Northwestern Kampuchea. Additionally, during the early weeks of 1983, a twentyfive
kilomètres long trench, studded with landmines and bamboo spikes has been
constructed just inside the Kampuchean frontier, running from the village of Kop
beyond the village of Yeang Dangkum — a région of fréquent guérilla clashes. Al on g
with the 180,000 man force of regular military maintained by Vietnam in Kampuchea,
thèse measures indicate intentions of Hanoi's consolidation of power. Especially in
Southeast Asia fears hâve arisen of a permanent Vietnamese "colonization" process in
Kampuchea. ..

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